First, I LOVE THIS STUFF! The test p 100 is smooth as silk to pin, the tren ace is powerful, stings a bit after pinning, and sore for a day thereafter. Communication with Bodypharm is prompt, professional, and to the point; no beating around the bush, no bs. Solid. He'll be my go to guy hereafter.
Customer Support
None needed
Shipping Speed
About 5 days very good packaging
Shipping Speed
Like I said above, the test p is smooth to draw and inject, no pip, no soreness. The tren is potent, though honestly its my first go with a 19-nor, it has thus far met all my expectations. Ramping the dosage: 25 mg, 37.5 mg, 50 mg, 62.5 mg, moving to 75 mg this Monday for the duration of the cycle I have already experienced nice gains in strength (especially since upping the dose to 50-62.5), increased vascularity, and noticeable leaning. Been receiving a lot of compliments since beginning the tren/prop cycle. The pumps are fantastic, though I am not a fan of the low back pumps. Body temperature is on the rise, sweating like a pig during workouts, and intermittently throughout the day. Libido is off the hook, sleep is a bit spotty, with vivid dreams, no nightmares tho. Thus far no prolactin sides probably due to the low dosages, however, I am taking a compound to mitigate such sides, plus an ai. Appetite has decreased somewhat, sometimes having to force myself to eat that 6th meal. Finally, I have been experiencing a wonderful sense of well-being, lots of energy, boosted confidence, and rather assertive. once in awhile I feel a little on the aggressive side, but I put that in check (almost snapped when someone failed to re-rack the weights after taking waaayyy to much time dicking around in the squat rack and constantly making long winding trips to the drinking fountain). Anyhow, I highly recommend Kalpa gear! highly recommend this source and would use again
First, I LOVE THIS STUFF! The test p 100 is smooth as silk to pin, the tren ace is powerful, stings a bit after pinning, and sore for a day thereafter. Communication with Bodypharm is prompt, professional, and to the point; no beating around the bush, no bs. Solid. He'll be my go to guy hereafter.