It seems like everything is on track again they are doing what they should, getting back to me in no time and helping with order issues.
Shipping Speed
t/a when they started and right now is on point, they did have a setback but now everything is corrected.
Shipping Speed
10 x deca
2 x test cyp
10 x sut 300
Quality is top notch u started seen and felling gains in a couple of weeks, the use mct oil which is a really tiny oil u can inject with a insulin pin no pip or knots. right now am 10 pounds up. i've been doing 0.5 ml sust 250 per day and man this thing is potent wife is happy and my gains are consistent every week i c changes in my body and weight.Quality always there, service and T/A back. go head guys and buy or u will regret it.
This review is for sust 300