Peptides (HGH, HCG) (72 Offers)

Human Peptide Hormone for Anti-Aging
Pharmaceutical name: Somatropin (r-hGH)
Brand: Dragon Pharma
1 kit [10 Vials] (10 IU/vial)
Form: Powder
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Pharmaceutical name: Pentadecapeptide
Brand: Dragon Pharma
Form: Powder
2 mL Vial (2 mg/vial)
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Pharmaceutical name: Cagrilintide Acetate
Brand: Dragon Pharma
10 mL Sterile Multi-dose Vial (10 mg/vial)
Lab Tested: View Results

GLP-1 Peptide Hormone
Pharmaceutical name: Semaglutide
Brand: Dragon Pharma
Form: Powder
2 mL Vial (5 mg/vial)
Lab Tested: View Results

GLP-1 Peptide Hormone
Pharmaceutical name: Tirzepatide
Brand: Dragon Pharma
Form: Powder
2 mL Vial (5 mg/vial)
Lab Tested: View Results

Pharmaceutical name: Ephitalon Acetate
Brand: Dragon Pharma
2 mL Vial (50 mg/vial)
Lab Tested: View Results

Human Peptide Hormone for Anti-Aging
Pharmaceutical name: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Brand: Dragon Pharma
2 mL Vial (2500 IUs/vial)
Lab Tested: View Results

Human Peptide Hormone for Anti-Aging
Pharmaceutical name: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Brand: Dragon Pharma
2 mL Vial (5000 IUs/vial)
Lab Tested: View Results

Pharmaceutical name: Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 LR3
Brand: Dragon Pharma
2 mL Vial (1 mg/vial)
Lab Tested: View Results

Pharmaceutical name: Ipamorelin
Brand: Dragon Pharma
2 mL Vial (5 mg/vial)
Lab Tested: View Results

Pharmaceutical name: Mazdutide
Brand: Dragon Pharma
2 mL Vial (10 mg/vial)
Lab Tested: View Results

Human Peptide Hormone for Tanning
Pharmaceutical name: Melanotan 2
Brand: Dragon Pharma
2 mL Vial (10 mg/vial)
Lab Tested: View Results
Where Can I Get HGH Injections Legally
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced in the pituitary gland and is responsible for growth in children and is thought to be responsible for vitality and energy in adults. It is normal in humans for their levels of HGH to drop off once they are in their thirties and as the levels continue to decrease the signs and symptoms of aging set in: weight gain, loss of muscles, wrinkles, lowered bone density, a decreased sexual drive are some of these symptoms. It’s no wonder that the possibility of taking HGH supplements is desirable in many people who want to slow the aging process.
Additionally, there are medical uses for HGH that include anti-aging regimens and AIDS wasting treatment. People who want to build muscle mass and bulk also use HGH injections to give them an extra boost. The thing is, it’s a prescription drug that is often found on the black market. These black market products are sometimes counterfeit HGH products.
The law states that it is a prescription drug but it’s not specified under the schedules of controlled substances. It is, however, covered under the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. This act does prohibit the possession and distribution of HGH.
Just like any other federal law, the states can also pass their own versions of the laws and many have done so with HGH. Some of the states have HGH listed under their schedules of controlled substances and others have included HGH in their definition of anabolic steroids.
So, while HGH used to be a legal alternative to anabolic steroids, it is now covered under state and federal laws and use, possession and distribution of HGH are punishable with fines, jail time or both.
HGH For Sale | Insulin For Sale | Human Growth Hormone For Sale
HGH is responsible for growth during childhood and for the repair and regeneration of human tissue throughout our lives. By the time we reach the age of 30, our HGH levels are only about 20 percent of their peak levels during childhood, and after the age of 30, they continue to decline at about 12 to 15 percent per decade, and often much more. By the time most of us are 30 years old, our bodies no longer produce enough HGH to repair all of the damage that is occurring in our bodies. As our HGH levels continue to decline, the damage that we call aging continues to accelerate.
The decline in HGH is not the only cause of the manifestations of aging. Even if our HGH levels remained at the level of a 25 year-old, we would continue to experience the effects of aging, but those effects would be greatly reduced until we reached a very advanced age. HGH does not affect the root cause of aging, as measured by maximum lifespan, but it can certainly affect many of the manifestations of aging.
By increasing the levels of HGH in our bodies, we can slow, or even reverse, many of the manifestations of aging. It must be done carefully, though, and under medical supervision. Ideally, this HGH replacement should begin at about the age of 30 years, but HGH replacement can be beneficial at any age above 30. In fact, for older people, HGH therapy can reverse the manifestations of aging by 5 to 15 years or more. There is no other single therapy currently available that can have the impact on the aging body that HGH can have.
Injectable HGH for Body-building | Generic Peptides | HGH Side Effects
What HGH therapy can do:
- Reduce excess body fat, especially abdominal fat. (The reduction of abdominal fat is the single most profound effect of HGH replacement in many people.)
- Increase muscle mass (and physical strength if combined with moderate exercise).
- Reduce wrinkling of the skin and some other effects of skin aging.
- Re-grow certain internal organs that have atrophied with age.
- Increase bone density.
- Strengthen the immune system.
- Reverse cognitive decline.
- Stimulate production of the bone marrow cells that produce red blood cells.
- Reduce the probability that you will spend the last years of your life in a nursing home.
HGH slows the progression of cardiovascular disease, and reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, in individuals with natural growth hormone levels that are below average for the age of the individual. HGH can also slow the progression of cardiovascular disease by improving one's cholesterol profile. There is increasing evidence over the past year or two that maintaining healthy growth hormone levels results in a stronger heart. Individuals with low growth hormone levels have an overall increased risk of death due to cardiovascular disease. Low growth hormone levels cause a particularly large increase in the risk of stroke as compared with individuals receiving growth hormone replacement.
What HGH cannot do:
- It cannot eliminate the effects of oxidation damage, although it may alleviate some of it.
- HGH cannot eliminate the effects of the reduction of other hormones. In fact, a deficiency of certain other hormones will decrease the beneficial effects of HGH.
- It cannot significantly reverse the damage to human proteins caused by glucose, although it may reverse a little of this damage.
- Although it helps skin to look younger, it cannot eliminate all of the damage cause by sunlight and other ultraviolet sources.
- It cannot increase maximum lifespan. For many people with HGH or IGF-1 genetic defects, however, it can significantly extend life expectancy.
Human Growth Hormone Effects
The effects of HGH in the human body have been studied intensively for decades, but the factors that affect HGH production remain rather complex and mysterious. Part of the reason for this is that the quantities of these substances produced by the body are on the order of a milligram per day in adults. Most people only produce about a teaspoonful of these substances during their entire adult lives.
There are three basic ways for increasing HGH:
1. Taking a substance that increases the natural secretion of HGH by the pituitary gland.
2. Using an injectable human growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH).
3. Using injectable human growth hormone.
With current technology and available substances, taking a substance that increases the natural secretion of HGH generally works best for those between the ages of roughly 30 to 45 years.
Injectable Human Growth Hormone
Originally, the HGH package consisted of two vials. One vial contained powdered freeze-dried HGH. The other vial contained sterile water with a bacteriostatic preservative. When the user was ready to begin using the contents of the package, a certain amount of the sterile water would be drawn out of the second vial (with a needle and syringe) and injected into the first vial to dissolve the powdered HGH. The solution would then be ready for injection. The unused portion would have to be kept refrigerated. The entire vial of dissolved HGH would have to be used within 2 or 3 weeks.
Human Growth Hormone Use
The HGH is dissolved by the patient because HGH powder is much more durable than dissolved HGH. The dissolved HGH is very susceptible to being attacked by bacteria and degraded by proteolytic enzymes. HGH is always normally refrigerated, but if HGH powder is is left at room temperature for a few hours, no harm is done as long as the room is not too warm.
Recently, some brands have developed formulations that can be kept outside of a refrigerator for extended periods after being dissolved in liquid, as long as they don't get too warm. (Sterile powdered HGH can even be left in a cool room for days or weeks, but this is not a good idea. Even the powdered HGH can deteriorate quickly if the temperature rises slightly above normal room temperature for any significant period of time.) After being dissolved in water, the un-refrigerated HGH solution ordinarily loses its much of its potency after a few hours, and becomes completely unusable in a day or two, especially if the room is warm. The HGH solution must be kept refrigerated (unless you have one of the newer formulations that state otherwise).
HGH is still often sold with the HGH powder separate from the sterile water, but there are now several more convenient options for the mixing process.
Most HGH packages require you to inject the HGH using insulin syringes. (The same ones used by diabetics.) Usually, you will use the smallest size syringe. This is a 0.3 cc. syringe with an 8 mm. 31 gauge needle. This is a very short, very thin needle. The B-D Ultra-Fine II insulin syringe with the 31-gauge needle is far superior to the syringes with the 30-gauge needles that were the best available until rather recently.
Human Growth Hormone Dosage
HGH is sometimes measured in international units, and sometimes measured in milligrams (mg). 3 International Units (IU) = 1 milligram
Different doctors have different recommendations for the amount of HGH you should inject. The dose may depend upon your age and overall health. It is best to start with a low dose, such as one-half unit per day, and work up from there. Most physicians recommend taking 1 unit per day, 4 to 7 days a week.
Adverse effects from injectable HGH therapy are very rare as long as the amount of HGH used averages 1 unit or less per day. Most physicians familiar with adult HGH replacement therapy believe that 1.5 units per day reaches the point of diminishing returns, and more than 2 units per day begins to put you at some risk of side effects. (The clinical studies that resulted in frequent side effects from HGH used much larger doses. In fact, all of the most frequently-quoted clinical studies have used doses that we now know are ridiculously high doses.) In general, side effects of HGH are very rare in doses of 1 unit per day or less and common in doses above 2 units per day.
When you increase or decrease your dosage, it is best to do it very slowly. Even at doses below 2 units per day, abrupt changes in dosage can cause temporary problems such as water retention and headache in some people.
Many people experience increases in blood glucose levels when starting HGH. This effect usually goes away with time, but there appears to be a definite advantage to taking the prescription medicine metformin along with HGH to keep glucose levels under control. (Also, there is evidence that metformin can slow the aging process at a more fundamental level than HGH.) Alpha-lipoic acid or R-lipoic acid, which are both similar nutritional supplements, can also help to keep blood glucose levels under control. Many scientists believe that the increases in blood glucose levels are associated with lipolysis, which the the process by which fat stored in cells is transferred into the blood stream to be used as energy. The rise in glucose levels and the loss of excess body fat both usually occur only during the first months after growth hormone therapy is started, and both effects diminish after a period of time.
Blood tests for thyroid function should be performed about three months after starting HGH. Growth hormone restores the ability of the body to convert the thyroid hormone T4 to T3, which is the active form. For this reason, it may decrease the need for thyroid, especially T3 replacement, in individuals with hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). On the other hand, a recent medical study reported that growth hormone may unmask a previously undiagnosed thyroid problem. When the rest of the body begins functioning better, an aging thyroid gland may require assistance in the form of thyroid hormone supplementation. So your thyroid requirements may go either up or down. There is no way to know without testing.