Testosterone C 200 - Testosterone Cypionate - Odin Pharma
Odin - Domestic

Testosterone C 200

Injectable Steroid for Muscle Growth
Pharmaceutical name: Testosterone Cypionate
Brand: Odin Pharma
10 mL Sterile Multi-dose Vial (200 mg/mL)
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Testosterone C 200 Detailed

Testosterone C 200 for Muscle Growth by Odin Pharma

Active life: 15-16 Days.

Dosage: Adult man dose is 50-200 mg intramuscular injection per week.

Liver toxicity: No.

Aromatization rate: Yes.

Active substance: Testosterone Cypionate 200 mg in oily solution.

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Possible side effects: .

Testosterone C 200 trade names: Tcypion, Testoxyl, Cypionax, Testocyp, Cyp, Pharma Test C, Testosterona, Cypoject, Cypiobolic, Cyponit, Cypio-Test, Cypionat, Test Cyp, Testodex, Testabol, Testex, Virilon, Cyte X, Depo-Testosterone, Testaplex.

Pharmaceutical Grade-Supplement For Intramuscular Use Only. Store Testosterone C 200 at 20°C-25°C (68°F-77°F). Protect from light. Keep away from children.

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