Active life: 6-8 Hours.
Dosage: Adult dose is 25 mg to 50 mg per day orally.
Liver toxicity: High.
Aromatization rate: High.
Active substance: Methandrostenolone (20 mg/tab) in tablet form.
Product description: Dianabol - active ingredient in the composition of this steroid is widely known among athletes as Methandrostenolone. There are both oral and injectable form of the drug, but it is believed traditionally that the injections have a better effect and lead to the achievement of better results.
In general pharmacology is used to improve the tone, healing of burns and speed up the regenerative properties of the organism.
In the areas of fitness and bodybuilding, despite the opinion that this steroid is obsolete, Dianabol efficiency is highly marked. Negative feedbacks on this product are almost not found.
It allows you to gain a good muscle mass and therefore is suitable for the reception of both novices and experienced athletes.
In the form of an injection, the product has little effect on the liver, which is what sets it apart from tablets. Due to the high water content in the body, as a consequence of its delays, possible a rapid heart rate and high blood pressure.
The androgenic effects of the drug has side effects:
Experts point out that all the side effects from the application of this pharmacological product, are permanently gone after completion of the cycle, depending on the individual.
Commonly are used antiestrogens such as Nolvadex / Nolvaxyl, whose initial dose for the treatment is 20 mg (one tablet of 10 mg 2 times a day). After some time, the dose should be increased to 30 mg and then to 40. The treatment takes a different time from several months to five years. Fertigyn / Hucog use will be a great decision, which is capable of stimulating the synthesis of hormones. On impact, it is similar to the admission of testosterone and has the same effect with less harmful effects on the human body. The drug stimulates spermatogenesis, which means it increasing the number of active and healthy sperm, and is capable of preventing atrophy of the male testes.
Dianabol trade names: Naposim, Nerobol, Anabol, Methanoplex, Methanabol, Dianabol, Dianoxyl, Methandienone, Dianabolic, Pronabol, Encephan, Dbirol, Lanabolin, Dianabolos, D-bol, Metandienone, Danabol, Metaboline, Andoredan, Methafurin, Perbolin, Methacaps, Methanodex, Dbol, Methandrostenolone, Stenolon, GP Methan, Nerobil, Metandiabol, Metastenol, Metanabol, Trinergic, Metabolina, Restauvit, Nabolin, Danabol DS.
Synthetic anabolic steroidal agent. Store Dianabol at room temperature. Protect from light. Keep away from children.
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